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Gardening and growing lessons for pupils in Baldock thanks to grant

Design image of the new outdoor classroom showing plant beds, trees and structures

The Friends of Brandles has been awarded £1,950* following the Baldock Area Forum recommendations on 11 September.

The funding will be used to buy gardening equipment, tools and storage for an outdoor adventure classroom at Brandles School which all pupils will have the chance to use and benefit from. They hope the area will teach children about gardening and growing their own vegetables and be a chance for pupils to work together, and develop life and social skills.

Meika Cavanagh, Chair of Friends of Brandles, said: "We are extremely grateful for the grant. We aim to change young people’s lives for the better, and this will certainly give us opportunity to do so. Being in the outdoors and learning to work with nature is a valuable experience. We are hoping the young people will learn to be self-sufficient and even learn to cook the things that they grow for a healthy diet. Thankyou on behalf of the staff and students at Brandles School."

Cllr Alistair Willoughby, Executive Member for Community & Partnerships, who approved the funding under delegated decision, said: “This is a wonderful project which will help get children outside learning important – and fun! – life skills like growing their own food.”

Cllr Tom Tyson, Baldock Area Forum Chair, added: “We’re pleased to fund this exciting project and hope pupils enjoy their new outdoor adventure classroom.”

The next Baldock Area Forum will take place on 15 January.

*subject to completion of the necessary formalities

More information: Grant funding

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